Showing Posts for: What John’s Up To
Why I Always Root for the Underdog

Why I Always Root for the Underdog

I am a great believer in the underdog.  I think this stems from when I was a little kid. I was always a bit young for my grade and was physically smaller than the majority of my classmates. Being a little different isn’t always the easiest - I was the “smart kid”...

Alpe Adria Trail Notes

Alpe Adria Trail Notes

Long-distance hiking is a passion of mine. I love being able to disconnect and enjoy nature. I decided to do a 10-day hiking trip in Slovenia in September 2021. Put Slovenia in your future travel plans, because this is an incredibly beautiful country with wonderfully...

John’s Must-Reads: Alpe Adria Trail 2022 Edition

John’s Must-Reads: Alpe Adria Trail 2022 Edition

Those who know me well know that I am an avid reader. I typically read three to six books at a time from a variety of genres and this held true during my recent 41-day hike on the Alpe Adria Trail. My favorites were: The Lord of Chaos, A Crown of Swords, and The Path...