I always try to be open, whether that’s open to new people, new ideas, or trying new things. Doing so allows you to learn things from other people, about yourself, and about life that you may not have been exposed to otherwise. This mindset has surfaced many important...
70 Lessons for 70 Years
In honor of celebrating 70 trips around the sun today, here are 70 lessons I’ve learned along the way: 1. Be optimistic.2. Go on a hike.3. Eat fruits and vegetables.4. Read, read, and read some more.5. Eat beans! 6. Prioritize sleep.7. Be open to friendships with...
John’s Must-Reads: Summer 2023 Edition
Although I’m an avid reader all year long, there’s something about reading in the summer that is so enjoyable. Personally, I tend to travel more, so I often find myself able to read more on the go and in new and exciting places. Whether it’s an audiobook during a road...
Appalachian Trail Notes
Long-distance hiking is a great passion of mine. I love being able to disconnect and enjoy the beautiful nature around me. Although I have enjoyed hiking for the majority of my adult life, I developed my passion for long-distance, ultralight hiking after thru-hiking...
John’s Must-Reads: Appalachian Trail Edition
I am an avid reader, typically reading or listening to three to six books at a time. And guess what - this doesn’t change while I’m out on the trail! During my recent 200-mile hike on the Appalachian Trail, I read several very interesting and engaging books that I...
John’s Advice for an Aspiring Long-Distance Hiker
While packing for my recent hike on the Appalachian Trail, I started thinking about things I wish I knew before getting into long-distance hiking. I had a lot of experienced friends who helped me early on, but I also learned a lot of lessons from my own trial and...
John’s Five All-Time Favorite Movies
In addition to being an avid reader, I also love movies, television, podcasts, and listening to music. I have always believed that consuming these forms of entertainment can teach us so much about life, ourselves, and the world. Everyone loves a good story, and there...
Why I Always Root for the Underdog
I am a great believer in the underdog. I think this stems from when I was a little kid. I was always a bit young for my grade and was physically smaller than the majority of my classmates. Being a little different isn’t always the easiest - I was the “smart kid”...
John’s Book Review: The Three Languages of Politics
I recently finished reading The Three Languages of Politics: Talking Across the Political Divides by Arnold Kling. This is a short book at only 155 pages, but very much worth reading. Kling’s analysis shows that the three primary political philosophies in...
Alpe Adria Trail Notes
Long-distance hiking is a passion of mine. I love being able to disconnect and enjoy nature. I decided to do a 10-day hiking trip in Slovenia in September 2021. Put Slovenia in your future travel plans, because this is an incredibly beautiful country with wonderfully...
John’s Must-Reads: Alpe Adria Trail 2022 Edition
Those who know me well know that I am an avid reader. I typically read three to six books at a time from a variety of genres and this held true during my recent 41-day hike on the Alpe Adria Trail. My favorites were: The Lord of Chaos, A Crown of Swords, and The Path...