Showing Posts for: Fancy
The Importance of Practicing Gratitude

The Importance of Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the single most important keys to happiness in life. Oftentimes, it is assumed that gratitude needs an object; for example, expressing gratitude for a meal or a specific person. However, an object is not necessary to express gratitude - we can feel...

Thank You, Whole Foods Market

Thank You, Whole Foods Market

I made my retirement announcement internally a year before I left Whole Foods Market. In addition to transitioning responsibilities to the next CEO, Jason Buechel, I wanted time to focus my energy on doing things that would be most meaningful to Whole Foods. I spent...

Evolving Your Higher Purpose

Evolving Your Higher Purpose

Finding your personal higher purpose is often a journey of discovery. It takes time and patience and is seldom linear. Both individuals and businesses can have a higher purpose. For me, my individual higher purpose was discovered when I began living in a vegetarian...

John’s Must-Reads: Health & Wellness Edition

John’s Must-Reads: Health & Wellness Edition

I am a passionate reader and am often reading several books at one time. I love reading many different genres because I enjoy learning new things about a wide range of topics. One topic I am especially interested in and passionate about is health and wellness. These...

Alpe Adria Trail Notes

Alpe Adria Trail Notes

Long-distance hiking is a passion of mine. I love being able to disconnect and enjoy nature. I decided to do a 10-day hiking trip in Slovenia in September 2021. Put Slovenia in your future travel plans, because this is an incredibly beautiful country with wonderfully...

John’s Must-Reads: Alpe Adria Trail 2022 Edition

John’s Must-Reads: Alpe Adria Trail 2022 Edition

Those who know me well know that I am an avid reader. I typically read three to six books at a time from a variety of genres and this held true during my recent 41-day hike on the Alpe Adria Trail. My favorites were: The Lord of Chaos, A Crown of Swords, and The Path...

My Goodbye to Whole Foods

My Goodbye to Whole Foods

Some people can go their entire life without ever discovering their higher purpose, but I was lucky enough to discover mine when I co-founded Safer Way Natural Foods in 1978 and Whole Foods Market in 1980. Words cannot express how deeply grateful I am for this...