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John’s Must-Reads: Fall 2023 Edition

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John’s Must-Reads: Fall 2023 Edition

Nov 30, 2023

As fall is coming to an end, I’d like to share a few books I’ve read and have really enjoyed:

Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker

As a perpetual optimist, this book is one of my favorites! I would even claim that this is the most important book that has been written in the 21st century. This book will leave you feeling happier and more optimistic, shifting your perspective to one that sees the world on an upward trajectory.

Steven Pinker does an amazing job encouraging readers to take a step back from the oftentimes gloomy and bleak news headlines that play into our psychological biases and instead look at the data. Using data-backed graphs, Pinker shows that life, health, prosperity, safety, peace, knowledge, and happiness are actually on the rise. He attributes this progress to Enlightenment: the idea that reason, data, and science support human flourishing and societal progress. He argues that reason, science, and humanism are ideals that we need to confront our problems and keep progress moving forward. I agree with Pinker’s argument that now more than ever, Enlightenment needs defense. Definitely add this to your must-reads list!

The Joys of Compounding: The Passion Pursuit of Lifelong Learning
by Gautam Baid

I recently wrote about the importance of lifelong learning for both your personal and professional life. In my opinion, learning and growing is something that should be a lifelong pursuit. Every day is an opportunity to wake up and not only be excited about what you’re going to do that day but also about what you’re going to learn.

If you have a passion for lifelong learning like me, then this book is for you! A timeless source of insight and inspiration, Gautam Baid shares the wisdom, strategies, and thought processes of over 200 historical thought leaders whose teachings have remained prominent and relevant throughout time. This book serves as a guide for value investing, sharing how it connects to business, investing, and decision-making. I really enjoyed that he integrated his own personal experiences – it worked to create a compelling story on the best practices and benefits of value investing. I highly recommend it!

The Art and Science of Getting Happier: Build the Life You Want
by Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey 

If you’re interested in finding practical strategies to improve your well-being or want to feel inspired on your personal growth journey, then I highly recommend this book. Arthur C. Brooks, a renowned social scientist, and Oprah Winfrey, a well-known media icon and philanthropist, explore the intersection between art and science to inspire readers on their journey to find happiness and create a more fulfilling life. I enjoyed the authors’ combination of scientific research, personal experiences, and real-life stories to provide readers with strategies to navigate life’s challenges, cultivate meaningful relationships, and discover their sense of purpose. This book left me feeling empowered to make positive changes in my life. I hope it can help you feel this way too!